Wednesday 6 February 2013

Markets, Real Estate and SME

Real Estate

WA keeps delivering promising news for both potential investors and home owners alike - Read more...

Have you ever wandered why you struggle to get good mortgage terms in your suburb? This might shed some light - Read more...


Another usefull read, this time from Murray Dawes:

Don't Chase This Market Higher

As the All Ordinaries continues to rally I'm sure there are plenty of people with itchy trigger fingers wanting to join in the fun. All I can say is step back and look at the big picture.

I may not have seen this rally coming but I do have enough experience to know when a market has become an accident waiting to happen.

This weekly chart shows you that the S&P/ASX 200 is now nudging up against the 4950-5000 region where it has failed five times in the past three and a half years. It is also approaching this area with its Relative Strength Index (RSI) the most overbought it has been since mid-2007 just prior to the crash.

ASX 200 Weekly Chart

Source: Slipstream Trader

Even if we're heading higher in the long run, there is a strong technical case that this market should at the very least have a substantial correction from here. It's still early days and the momentum is still firmly up but the music can stop very quickly at major resistance levels such as this.

So if you're panicking that you need to buy high yielding stocks now or be left for dead, don't panic. Just be patient and you'll get an opportunity to buy stocks at a cheaper level than here. Just remember that we're heading into earnings season and a dose of reality may stop this rally in its tracks.

In fact, I sat down with Kris Sayce the other day to chat about the current state of the market and what the charts were showing me in a strategy session which is reserved for paying subscribers.
During our chat I showed Kris that one of Australia's biggest stocks has hit a key inflection point. It's key because eight of the past 10 times that this set-up has occurred, the stock has fallen. In one case by 25% in four months.

That's a big drop, and with the odds in favour of it happening again (my trading is based on the balance of probabilities) a lot of traders and investors will be caught out.

As I like to say, they'll be 'long and wrong' and they'll pay for it with big losses.

So if you're feeling that you've missed the rally, don't panic; another opportunity to buy at a better price isn't far away.

Murray Dawes
Editor, Slipstream Trader

From the Port Phillip Publishing Library


I knew I would never make a good manager! Are you an entrepreneur? or a manager? - Read more...

Until the next time!

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